奥比王 发表于 2017-5-19 22:53:49

两个特价的国外套材 喜欢的看过来

特价进口模型 HMS Victory 胜利号木制模型套材这是帮朋友代卖的模型,此模型国外售价700美元左右,现特价4400元包邮国内顺丰快递,这是Artesania的最复杂最贵的套材之一,感兴趣的模友可以看看,只有一套哦。Artesania Latina HMS Victory wood ship kitGreat kit for the Advanced Modeler, This is a double plank-on-bulkhead kit . All wooden parts are laser pre-cut. Fittings includes hardwood, brass, and copper pieces including etchings. Rigging, pre-stitched sailcloth, and flag. Includes the baseboard. This kit has a 112 page manual which is clear and well labelled, colour photographs aid in the step-by-step construction. Even though this kit is not something we recommend for the beginner we have seen it built by them. They have all said that the detailed instructions was the best they have seen. This kit excels in every phase of construction. 比例:1/84完成尺寸:长1230mm 高880mm 宽450mm特别提醒:套材的制作说明不含中文,但有图纸和彩色制作图解。此模型不适合初学者制作,有经验的爱好者就没问题了。淘宝链接:https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=551199976246


奥比王 发表于 2017-5-19 22:57:48

特价进口模型 Santa Anna 圣安娜号 木制模型套材这是帮朋友代卖的模型,此模型国外售价800美元左右,现特价4600元包邮国内顺丰快递,这是Artesania的最复杂最贵的套材之一,感兴趣的模友可以看看,只有一套哦。这个很少见,比较难得。Santa Anna wood ship kitThe Spanish ship Santa Ana was launched in 1784 in the Ferrol (Spain). It was the prototype of a series of 8 boats and had 112 guns. At the Battle of Trafalgar one faced the English ship Royal Sovereign before it had to retreat after three hours of bloody fight. Finally, during the strong storm that followed the combat, it was able to reach the port of Cadiz.

This is a great kit for the advanced builder, his kit consists of the following: It is a double plank on frame, precut keel made of mahogany, walnut anfd fine lime wood. All fittings are. High quality fittings in white metal burnished and in die cast brass. Kit has a set of full sewn. A 100 page full colour instruction book with many color images, comprehensive step by step procedures for assembly. This is a highly detailed kit.

Even though this kit is not something we would recommend for the beginner, We have seen beginners build them very well. This is because of the instruction set that comes with this kit.比例:1/84完成尺寸:长1180mm 高870mm 宽460mm特别提醒:套材的制作说明不含中文,但有图纸和彩色制作图解。此模型不适合初学者制作,有经验的爱好者就没问题了。淘宝链接:https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=国外售价参考

奥比王 发表于 2017-5-19 22:59:26


弘毅设计 发表于 2017-5-20 00:51:47


kinghook 发表于 2017-5-20 01:02:57


kinghook 发表于 2017-5-20 01:03:13


虎王 发表于 2017-5-20 01:33:18


huzf12 发表于 2017-5-20 08:49:44


奥比王 发表于 2017-5-20 13:18:55

弘毅设计 发表于 2017-5-20 00:51

恩 是的 没错 你可以直接联系他或者直接拍下也可以。

奥比王 发表于 2017-5-20 13:19:51

kinghook 发表于 2017-5-20 01:02
这是西班牙的模型厂商的套材,制作说明书虽然没有中文,但包含有法文,德文等。按图索骥可以完成作品,因为 ...

是的 这个厂商很多西班牙的帆船。喜欢西班牙船的可以看看那个圣安娜。
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